East Prefabricated House Manufacture (Shandong) Co., Ltd.

To solve the housing problem, New South Wales in Australia is piloting the construction of prefabricated houses

According to The Guardian, the government of New South Wales in Australia plans to pilot the construction of prefabricated “modular houses” due to the possibility of achieving new housing construction goals.

Modular houses are constructed using prefabricated modules made off-site, which were previously used as temporary residences. Compared to traditional methods, modular housing construction is 20% faster.

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The New South Wales government is working hard to address the housing crisis by piloting the construction of “prefabricated houses” (image sourced from the New South Wales government website)

New South Wales Premier Chris Mins said that housing costs and supply are putting pressure on residents in the state, and the government needs to use non-traditional methods to provide housing faster.

At present, the state government is working hard to address regulatory barriers to modular housing, as such housing has never been widely promoted before. In addition, the state government is working with the State Building Commission to develop standards for constructing residential properties in different locations.

Ross Jackson, the Minister of Housing and Homelessness in New South Wales, said that this experiment is a step towards reforming the public housing supply. Using modern building methods will help us provide sustainable and high-quality housing to those who need it the most faster, “she said.

An independent report released by the Australian National Housing Supply and Affordability Commission in May predicts that, based on current circumstances, Australia will not be able to achieve its goal of building 1.2 million new homes by 2029.

The research forecast released by Oxford Economics Australia on July 22 also pointed out that over one-fifth of the 1.2 million residential units planned to be built in Australia in the next five years will not be completed.

Post time: Aug-20-2024